Truthiness indeed. The occasion is Milwaukee’s next Social Media Breakfast,
on Thursday, December 10. This just in: The snow storm has led to the cancellation of that breakfast meeting. The updated information is here, and the discussion will be on January 21, 2010. I’ll be one of four panelists discussing, Your Typical Social Media Consultant: Snake Oil Salesman or Expert? It reminds me of Stephen Colbert’s hilarious pairings of contradictory messages.
Me? I plan to open remarks by pronouncing that, on average, only one-out-of-four “social media experts” is really worth listening to — and since that’s all I have to say on the matter, everyone can go home.
Or maybe I won’t. You just have to attend to find out. Joining me will be the following:
Matthew Olson @_Signalfire_ – Owner and Creative Director of Signalfire, LLC
Sue Spaight @SueSpaight – VP of Account Management and Digital Strategy at Meyer & Wallis
Kim Nielson @Knmu – Communications Project Manager at University School of Milwaukee
December 10, 2009 – 7:30 am to 9:30 am
The Moct – 240 E. Pittsburgh Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
WiFi and Light Breakfast ProvidedTwitter Hashtag: #SMBMke
“Truthiness”. A new-to-me word. I like it – it gives me license to say anything I want, right?
This is going to be a very interesting discussion!
You always have license to speak your mind around me, Sue.
Truthiness came into pop culture thanks to Colbert’s show. I love one definition of it (it define’s his brand of satire well): “The quality of seeming to be true, even if this contradicts evidence or rational thought.”
Whether true or merely “truthy,” I’m sure our panel’s discussion will be interesting indeed.