Many moons ago the authors of the book Citizen Marketers posted a list of reasons why small businesses of all stripes — either b-to-c or b-to-b — should consider blogging.

Equally valuable in their post were these tips for the business blogger once the thing is up and running. Here they are:
- Do not have someone else write your blog. Write it yourself.
- Blogs should not be managed by the PR department or ad agency. Blogs are best when they’re authentic, which may include run-on sentences, detailed analysis or critical opinions. Typically, those qualities run counter to the sensibilities of traditional public relations.
- Do not have a thin skin. Comments to your posts may bite or sting, especially while other people watch. But a strong benefit of blogs: unwarranted criticism often causes other customers often to spring to your defense. Trust-based relationships emanate from taking the bad with the good.
- Do not let your blog go unattended for weeks at a time. Focus on several posts per week, even if they’re just a few paragraphs.
- Do not make your blog a branding exercise of self-centeredness. If you endlessly promote yourself and your services, no one will care.
Much of what followed in their post is dated. But re-reading it just now, I see these five tips as withstanding the test of time. Violate them at your own risk.