The media have called pecha kucha — that unpronounceable presentation format created by two Tokyo architects — a poetry slam for designers. Except it’s not just for design folks.
Writers, photographers, and just about every other member of the creative class have devised and shown these six-minute wonders. Shown where, you ask? Over 100 cities around the world have conducted public pecha kucha nights. And this summer Milwaukee will be added to the list.
I created my first pecha kucha in October and became immediately hooked. I dare you to attend its official Milwaukee debut and not be bowled over by its power.
You’ll find more details at the official site, but here are the basics:
- Tuesday, June 17th, 2008
8pm; $10 register online or buy at door - WHEREÂ
- Hi Hat Garage
1701 N. Arlington Place
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - PRESENTERSÂ
- Corey Canfield | Milwaukee Recycles (Kind Of)
- Erica Conway | How a Woman Runs a Business
- Tom Crawford | Kaszube Ornithological Concern International
- Peter Exley | Growing Up in a Black and White World
- Daniel Goldin | Dead Department Stores
- Nicolas Lampert | Meatscapes: A Travel Log
- Faythe Levine | Craftivism & Community
- Aaron Schleicher | The Making of a True American Record
- Jolynn Woehrer | Unwrapping Chocolate for its (Dis) Contents:
A Feminist Analysis of its Fetishisms and its Fair Trade
- Hosted by 800ceoread at The Hi Hat Garage
Promoted by 91.7 WMSE and Schwartz Bookshops
Founded by Klein Dytham architecture
Thank you Jon Mueller of 800CEOread for helping to bring this form to Milwaukee!